Asked by Vivek
9 months ago
Dear sir plz solve my issue. 1) I have cum on my gf outside vagina on her 7 day of periods we never had a sex 2)she is virgin &still virgin i just cum on her outside vagina will she be pragnant? 3) afterwards she change her underwear & pent bcz they got wet & wipe semen from her outside vagina with cloth will she be pragnant? 4)her date of start of periods is 7 feb &date of cum on her vagina is 13 feb the cum was laying on her upper part of vagina &some her urinal area was wet she wipe it Her last period start date was 7 feb &her avg period days are 28 & and date of cum outside her vagina is 13 feb her january period date was 6 jan 2024