Asked by Anonymous User ,3 years

on 8/12/21

i have paid for online consultation.How do i meet the doctor?what is the procefure to meet docror through online

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It has been 8 years and my wife is never the same before.After pregnancy she cannot any form of cold like heavy rain,drinking normal water sufficiently,swimming,etc.We did test and doctor told that it is a allergy to cold.we hsve not found permsmnent treatment till now.They cannot find anything in x-rays.But i believe it is due to weakness.So which doctor or which department can treat her?

Answered on 24/5/22

Dear user, you can talk to the doctor directly via Hamro Doctor App or you may also call us on 9801887073/014102891 in case of any confusion.

Answered on 20/12/21

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