Vayodha Diabetic Health Checkup(DHCP)

Package Contents

The package consists of following tests

  1. Blood Sugar Fasting
  2. Blood Sugar PP
  3. Liquid Profile
    • Total Cholestrol
    • HDL, LDL
    • Triglycerides
  4. Renal Funcation Test (RFT)
    • Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Sodium, Postassium
  5. Complete Blood Count(CBC)​​​​​​
    • HB,TLC,DLC,Platelet 
  6. Urine Routine
  7. Urin Micro Alboumin
  8. Glycosylated HB
  9. Doctors Consultation
  10. Doctors Consultation(Dental)
  11. Doctors Consultation(Eye)
  12. Dietician Consulation





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