Asked by Jyoti singh ,23 years
on 3/11/21
Hi, I am 19 yrs old girl. I am tall but very thin with only 40 kg. I have a query about my mensuration cycle. After a week from my period end which is last week, we had sex. We used protection which we always do. This is not my first time. Inspite of using protection we felt that the protection failed. So after that I took i-pill within 5 hrs of sex. It went well and then suddenly from last Saturday I started bleeding. My period has ended just 12 days ago and it started. The blood is not like period blood. I thought it's because of harmonal change because of pill but it's still flowing. It's been like 5 days. What should I do now? Please contact me or book me an appointment. Thank you. Contact no: 9813741427 Thank you.