Asked by Anonymous User
on 23/7/21
स्तनपान गराईरहेको आमालाई कोरोना खोप लगाउन मिल्छ कि मिल्दैन ?
Asked by Anonymous User
on 23/7/21
स्तनपान गराईरहेको आमालाई कोरोना खोप लगाउन मिल्छ कि मिल्दैन ?
Medical officer, 2 Years of practice
Based on how these vaccines work in the body, COVID-19 vaccines are thought not to be a risk to lactating people or their breastfeeding babies. Therefore, lactating people can receive a COVID-19 vaccine. As per CDC website.
Asked by Anonymous User
9 hours, 47 minutes ago
need doctor for online consultation for foreign land for my maternal uncle.
Asked by Shanti Tamang ,25 years
22 hours, 57 minutes ago